Dr Johannes Carl

Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Deakin University, Australia

Topic: Physical Literacy: from intervention to implementation

Johannes Carl currently works as a post-doctoral research fellow at the Institute for Physical Activity and Nutrition (IPAN), Deakin University, Australia. His research activities take an interdisciplinary/holistic perspective on health-enhancing physical activity, assuming that the self-responsible adoption of healthy, physically active lifestyles requires the integration of (at least) physical, cognitive, and affective processes.

Physical literacy (PL) represents the most recent “heart” of his research activities. He has earned early-career merits in the analysis and quality improvement of physical literacy interventions as well as in examining the adoption of the PL concept across entire Europe. His vision in current projects is to strengthen the transfer of PL into practice, also on the global scale. Therefore, his talk is deliberately titled “from intervention to implementation”.